Davor Konjikušić offers an in-depth presentation and contextualization of the photographs created by Yugoslav partisans between 1941 and 1945. The book goes beyond an aesthetic depiction of the photographs; it also deals with the history of their use and function within one of the biggest anti-fascist movements in Europe during the Second World War.
The photographs are used to trace the development of a movement that—while seemingly doomed to certain failure—nevertheless survived the most destructive war in human history.
This book provides new answers to the question of photography’s role as a medium and its significance and use in social movements.
German Photo Book Award 23/24, Silver in the category Documentary-Journalistic Photo Book Volume
In her provocative essay, Dubravka Ugrešić considers life in post-socialist Europe and Croatia using the example of thermal baths. The former topos of civic culture, as a kind of sign of escape to idleness beyond social life, in the new historical conditions has become the metaphor of the desolation of a space and time, from Banija region in Croatia to New York.
The essay is accompanied by a series of photographs by Davor Konjikušić, who together with the writer visited several spas in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
There is nothing there! is the seventh volume of the Skhole library, a segment of the Dopolavoro program direction of the European Capital of Culture Rijeka 2020.
Dubravka Ugrešić u svojemu provokativnom eseju na primjeru toplica — lječilišta — razmatra život u postsocijalističkoj Europi i Hrvatskoj. Nekadašnji topos građanske kulture, kao svojevrsna oznaka bijega u dokonost s onu stranu društvenog života, u novim je povijesnim uvjetima postao najpregnantnija metafora opustošenosti jednog prostora i vremena, od Banije do New Yorka.
Esej je popraćen fotografskom serijom Davora Konjikušića koji je je zajedno s književnicom posjetio nekoliko toplica u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Bosni i Hercegovini. Tu nema ničega! oblikovao je Damir Gamulin Gamba.
Tu nema ničega! je sedmi svezak biblioteke Skhole, segmenta programskog pravca Dopolavoro Europske prijestolnice kulture Rijeka 2020.
Nasa Kuca / Our House is photobook made by Davor Konjikusic and published by Office For Photography.