Davor Konjikušić was born in 1979 in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He enrolled in the undergraduate program of Film and TV Production at the Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb in 2008. Afterward, he pursued a master's program in Cinematography with a specialization in photography at the same institution and successfully graduated in 2014. At the same institution today he is working as an assistant professor.
Davor Konjikušić is an author and cinematographer of several award-winning documentary films. His work has received recognition, including the Professional Concept category at the Rovinj Photodays festival in 2013 and 2016. He was also awarded the Ex Aequo prize at the Slavonian Biennial in 2017. In 2018, he was a finalist for the Radoslav Putar Award for the best young Croatian artist. He is the author of the photographic book "Our House" (Office for Photography, 2019), as well as the books "There Is Nothing there" (Multimedia Institute, 2020) and "Red Light: Yugoslav Partisan Photography And Social Movements" (De Gruyter/Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2021), which have been translated into German and English.
He has exhibited his work in twenty solo exhibitions and participated in numerous group exhibitions, including the Ler Recontres De La Photographie photography festival. He regularly takes part in conferences, residencies, and workshops. He is currently enrolled in a theoretical doctoral study program in humanities at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2012 - 2014 Academy Of Dramatic Arts, master in photography
2009 - 2012 Academy Of Dramatic Art, bachelor in cinematography
2024 Slana - Radical Landscape, Gallery O.K., Rijeka, Croatia
Unwanted Images, in collaboration with OAZA collective, Volksbuhne, Berlin, Germany
2022 Slana - Radical Landscape, Salon Galic, HDLU Split, Croatia
2021 Slana - Radical Landscape, Galerija Nova, Zagreb, Croatia
2021 Aura: F37, Gangal, Holy People, Galerija Sikirica, Alkarski dvori, Sinj, Croatia
2019 The Highway, HDLU Split, Croatia
Stories from the future, Gradska galerija Striegl, Sisak, Croatia
2018 The Highway, Artget Gallery, Cultural Center of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
The Highway, Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor, Slovenia
2017 The Highway, Gallery Shira, Zagreb, Organ Vida photo festival, Croatia
2016 Aura: F37 - Welcome, Remont Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia
2015 Gangal, Croatian Heritage Foundation, Croatia
You can not send a postcard from the bottom of the sea, Social Center Rojc, Pula, Croatia
Aura: F37, Galerija Lang, Samobor, Croatia
2014 Holy People, SC gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
Square of Europe: Blind Spot, posters and public action, UrbanFestival, Zagreb, Croatia
2013 Genogram, Gallery Praktika, Split, Croatia
Genogram, Museum of Arts And Crafts, Zagreb, Croatia
Recording Memories, Museum of modern and contemporary art, Rijeka, Croatia
2012 Private and Public, Cultural Center Drugstore, Belgrade, Serbia
2010 Gender Matters, Erste Stiftung, Vienna, Austria
2009 Corridor X, KC Grad, Belgrade, Serbia
2024 Six Samples of Catastrophe, Art Pavilion in Zagreb/Ethnographic Museum
Hereafter, Artget Gallery, Cultural Center of Belgrade
Dangerous Border, Kunstwerein Dresden
2020 Getting Across, Museum Of Fine Arts, Split, Croatia
2019 Silence Here Is Deafness, Podroom Gallery, Cultural Centre of Belgrade
2019 I'll open the door straight, straight into the fire, WHW gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
Walls of Power, Ler Recontres De La Photographie, Arles, France
Silence is deafness here, Belgrade Cultural Center, Serbia
2018 Radoslav Putar Award, Mali Salon, Museum of Modern And Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia
Signs & Whispers (Maribel Casas-Cortes & Sebastian Cobarrubias, Davor Konjikušić, Daniela Ortiz, Erkan Özgen), WHW gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
2017 Void, MoMa (Museum of Modern Art), Dubrovnik, Croatia
2016 Art Matters, But Art Is Not enough, Gallery Of Contemporary Art, Celje, Slovenia
Aura: F-37, video installation, Rovinj Photodays, Museum of Arts And Crafts, 2016
Award For Croatian Contemporary Art T-HT@MSU, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
2015 Award For Croatian Contemporary Art T-HT@MSU, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
2014 24. Slavonian Biennale, Museum of Fine Arts, Osijek, Croatia
Search and Enquiry, KAZAMAT, HDLU Osijek, Croatia, 2014
Expanded photography, Greta, Zagreb, Croatia, 2014
2013 Family Photography, ARTGET gallery, Belgrade, Serbia
2012 A Personal Gaze In Mutual Space, SI Fest, Monte della Pietà, Savignano sul Rubicone, Italy
The Photography Of Industry, Zagreb City Museum, 2012
2011 False Idols, Dom Omladine, Belgrade, Serbia
Photodays Finalists, Museum of Modern And Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia
Zagreb Neighbourhoods, Zagreb City Museum, 2011
Photodays Finalists, Museum of Arts And Crafts, Zagreb, Croatia, 2011
2010 Rovinj Photodays, Multimedia Center, Rovinj, Croatia
German Photo Book Award 23/24, Silver in the category Documentary-Journalistic Photo Book Volume, 2024
Award For The Best Young Artist, Finalist, Radoslav Putar Award, 2018
Balkan Photo Festival, finalist, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 2017
Rovinj Photodays, Croatia, 2016. Winner in the category for the artistic concept for the work "Aura: F37"
Slavonian Biennale, Museum of Fine Arts, Osijek, Croatia, 2014, Ex Aequo Award, Holy People
Urbanfestival 13, Croatia, 2014. Winner at open call for artist intervention at Square of Europe in Zagreb
Rovinj Photodays, Croatia, 2013. Winner in the category for the artistic concept for the work "Genogram"
Rovinj Photodays, Croatia, 2011. Finalist in the category of portrait
Young Creative Chevrolet, Paris, France 2010. Third video award
Rovinj Photodays, Croatia, 2010. Finalist in the category of professional concept
Dislocations, Orlovat, Serbia, 2019
GuestRoom Maribor, Slovenia, 2018
Artist in residence, Center For Contemporary arts, Celje, Slovenia, 2016
Radnik, radnica / umjetnica, umjetnik, publication and echibition, GMK, Zagreb, 2014
UrbanPhotography workshop with David Kendall, Rovinj, Croatia, 2014
Curatorial Platform, Zagreb, Croatia 2013 – 2014
Industrial Heritage workshop & exhibition, Zagreb City Museum, Croatia, 2012
Counter Archive, ICI Berlin, 2021
RC International Conference / From a City to a City: Davor Konjikušić, KID Kibla, Slovenia, 2020
Lecture talk with Jurica Pavicic on KaP 2019
’Partisan Photography And counter Archive’, lecture at Historical Materialism Conference, London, UK, 2019
’My Problem With Documentary Photography’, Fokus Festival Celje, 2019
'Yugoslav' partisan photography and social movements, University of East London, 2017
'Photography And Social Movements', Toso Dabac Archive, Days of Toso Dabac, 2016
'The role of visual narrative in constructing the image of migrants - call for solidarity or de-politicization of the masses' in collaboration with Petra Šarin,
Literary and scientific conference with international participation 'Days of Marija Juric Zagorka'
Red Glow: Yugoslav Partisan Photography and Social Movement, 1941–1945, Deutscher Kunstverlag (DKV), De Gruyter, 2022
Rotes Licht: Jugoslawische Partisanenfotografie. Bilder einer sozialen Bewegung, 1941-1945, Deutscher Kunstverlag (DKV), De Gruyter, 2021
There is nothing there!, Multimedia Institue (MI2), 2020.
Our House, artist book, Office For Photography, 2019
Yugoslav Partisan Photography And Social Movement, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung & Kolektor - Center For Visual Arts, 2019